Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

what is idiom, idiom is a combination of 2-3 words which has different definition from the definition of the original word. in this file, we conclude idiom about read someone like a book, it means we understanding someone fully, and always knew what's happen in his/her mind. almost like psychic

 we conclude idiom about blood,sweat, and tears. it means struggle, hard work for doing anything

we conclude about viral and funny news about someone 24 years old named simon barry the tea lover who holding a chocolate biscuit, and jump from 70 M crane and, when he reach the point, he dunk the biscuit into the cup of tea. it fulls of outstanding calculation and dedication.

 because the file is bad, i can't exactly heard about the speakers said. too many noise in this file, looks like it has been broken by something. but i still can conclude a little bit thing in this file, it was about idol worship, the speaker named oddie said : that idol worship have a lot of negative things. like excessive veneration.
 and the speaker named ari said : worship and idoling is different

i can conclude that,about the fans. someone who idoling a man, girl or even a group. and when they found someone who have a same attraction like him/her, they make a group of fans, and some of them spend a lot of money just to buy an original merchandise just to show how loyal are they, and speaker named oddie said it was "hardcore fans"
 when someone got an excessive idoling, it means someone try to be like him/her. and some of group even have their fanbase. and even someone that have an excessive idoling did a plastic surgery to be a same like his idol.
 speaker oddie and ari conclude, that if u idoling someone, be a good fans, dont be like creepy stalker that stalk his/her idol like a shadow, keep stalking every single thing in his/her idol life. just buy an original merchandise or stuff to show that we support our idol

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